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Women Faculty of Color in the White Classroom

What is it like for women of color to teach in predominantly white college classrooms? This anthology is about the pedagogical implications of diversifying the faculty of higher education. It compiles narratives by women professors of color who interrogate their classroom experiences in predominantly white U.S. campuses to examine the impact of their social positions upon their classroom practices and their teaching-learning selves. The authors reflect upon their unique classroom challenges and talk about the teaching-learning strategies they use to find rewards in their interactions with students. This anthology explores the larger question of how social distinctions shape classroom social life and will be a resource for those concerned with enabling the diversification of the faculty of institutions of higher learning.


"What is particularly satisfying about the book is the insight it provides about the individual pedagogies and institutional structures that support the challenges women faculty of color encounter."

-Michelle G. Knight, Columbia University


"… a unique contribution because most of the existing literature on the challenges of a diverse college classroom is directed to White faculty… [It] would be helpful to any novice college teacher."

-Marie M. Clark, Peabody College of Education and Human Development, Vanderbilt University